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Description: Original 18th century engraving. Hand colored. Image measures 38 x 47 cms. Good conservation.
Original engraving. Plate size measures 31 x 48.5 cm. Moulinier drew. Vicq recorded. Good conservation.
Harrisons original antique print. Image measures 44.5 x 36.4 cm. It has two horizontal folds.
Original engraving. Plate size measures 39 x 49 cms. Very good conservation.
Antique map of Spain and Portugal (Royaumes dEspagne et de Portugal). An interesting map created by Robert de Vaugondy for the 'Atlas Universel' in 1757 and corrected by his successor Lamarche. The Atlas Universel is one of the most important 18th-century atlases. This impression was published shortly after the French Revolution and dated as year 3 in the...
Carte de la Peninsule Hispanique ou sont compris les Royaumes dEspagne et Portugal avec divissions en provincies Medidas imagen 43ex55 cms. papel: 57x71 cms. Buena conservación. Tiene manchas de humedad en los márgenes del grabado que no le afecta.
Map of Spain and Portugal by Pieter Vander Aa under the pseudonym Alvarez de Comenar made in 1707 from the work Delices de l'Espagne. It comes from the work of Pieter van der Aa Delices de Espagne et Portugal, published in Leyden (Holland) 1707 is the most illustrated work on Spain published at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Image measures...